Ten Miracles of John Paul II

   1. Angela Baronni from Canada suffered from bone marrow cancer of the last stage. John Paul II laid hands on her head and blessed her. A woman raise from her wheelchair at once. Doctors found out that the woman was absolutely health.
    2. John-Paul Leigh, named in honor of the Pope John Paul II. The boy was born due to the prayers of the Pope. His parents suffered from infertility for a long time. After receiving a private audience with His Holiness, the parents told him of their misfortune. The Pope smiled and said: "This is a tiny problem” and blessed the couple. 10 months later the happy parents had a boy, who was named John- Paul in honor of the Pope.
   3. Emil Barbar was born with cerebral palsy, the doctors stated: “a wheelchair to the end of his life”. The boy with his parents attended the general audience in St. Peter's Square in Rome. When he saw the Pope, he joyfully shouted to his parents: “ Here’s the Holy Father”! when the Pope saw him he kissed the child in the head. Little Emil at that very moment arose from the cart. He was completely healed.
    4. Cardinal Francesco Markisano, Archpresbyter od the ST. Peter's in Rome suffered from a throat illness resulted into complete mutism. John Paul II touched his throat and the Cardinal to a great surprise of the audience and priests, he not only began to speak, but on top of his voice to sing a song of thanksgiving “Praise You, Lord."
    5. Mary Malihan suffered from kidney disease, she was doomed. During the pastoral visit to Ireland, her parents and she (at that time Mary was a little girl) were on the papal Liturgy. There the Holy Father approached the girl and laid his hands upon her head. A few days later doctors confirmed that she fully healed.
    6. Tibor Ulyachki from Slovakia in 2003 was present at the audience in the Pope where he asked John Paul II for a prayer for his sick daughter. The twelve-year old girl had being suffering from leukemia fof many years. When came back home, the happy father got good news - his child was completely healthy.
    7. Heron Bidilo from Mexico was five when the doctors have set a terrible diagnosis - leukemia. During the pastoral visit to Mexico, John Paul II paid attention to the bald boy in the crowd. The Pope reached him and kissed. A few weeks later, the surprised doctors found that Henronovi was absolutely healing.
    8. Yvette Sanchez noticed a great shortage in 200 000 dollars in one of the bank’s departments, where she worked. Frightened woman turned in prayer to the recently deceased Pope asking for the solution of that situation. The next day in an empty bank vault she found a package of 200 001 dollars where in one-dollar bill there was the personal signature of John Paul II.
    9. Kay Kelly suffered from cancer. She was preparing to die. In 1979 she went to the general audience with the Pope and she returned home completely healthy. During his audience the Pope asked Jesus to heal all the patients who were present there.
    10. Stella de Olitsera from Brazil was present at the funeral of John Paul II. During the ceremony, she asked the Pope to pray for her son addicted to drugs. The poor mother did not expect the liberation of her son, she begged only for an eternal salvation for her son. That very moment was the time of conversion for her son and was completely freed from addiction.



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